How a Mobile App Can Reduce the Educational Gap

The educational gap within the United States is growing, and a solution needs to be found if the U.S. is going to maintain relevance outside of military superiority. According to a 2015 study by the National Center for Education Statistics, the United States is falling behind, ranking lower than half (36 of 69) of nations studied in mathematics. This is a significant problem, but perhaps it is just a symptom of a greater problem.

Research shows exposure to and instruction in music in different levels of education (preschool, primary, university) yielded an increase in spatial learning and mathematical comprehension, but music and fine arts programs have been cut or diminished in many educational districts throughout the United States in favor of technology-based resources or athletic programs. These same technological advances provide challenges to educators trying to re-capture students’ attention as social media is constantly available through smartphones. Approximately 74 percent of teens in the United States, ages 12 to 17, say they access the internet on cell phones, tablets and other mobile devices according to a 2013 report on teens and technology, but could the technological challenges educators face be the solution?

Smartphones can and should be leveraged to incorporate music and spatial learning into education. The National Association for Music Education is always looking for ways to incorporate music into and enhance the education of America’s youth. Visit them, and give them your support, even if you only spread the word. The United States can still recover the educational foundation that helped make it great. Music blended with technology and gaming, with your help, could be the key to solving the educational gap, capturing students’ attention, and diminishing the digital divide in America’s classrooms.


Brown, L. L. (n.d.). The Benefits of Music Education. Retrieved December 07, 2016, from

Hopkins, G. (2015, March 9). Education World: Making the Case for Music Education. Retrieved December 07, 2016, from

Kastberg, D., Chan, J. Y., & Murray, G. (2016, December 6). Performance of U.S. 15-Year-Old Students in Science, Reading, and Mathematics Literacy in an International Context: First Look at PISA 2015. Retrieved December 07, 2016, from

Osborne, C. (2012, February 6). Can you read this? You’re one of the lucky ones | ZDNet. Retrieved December 07, 2016, from

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